Marching proud but remain humble and low profile. Truly, a reliable and low maintenance force.

The LGU is one of the focal point in multi-stakeholders engagement in Lamitan City.

One of the fishing communities in Tipotipo, where people learn how to defend themselves against the terrorists in the area.

Marching proud but remain humble and low profile. Truly, a reliable and low maintenance force.
Protecting the people.... Securing the land...
I am a Ranger
Only men with iron determination
Are qualified to be one
I’m trained like a Panther
Silence, swift, fearless
My mere presence
Freezes the enemies' blood
I’m invincible to him
Until the last seconds of his life
I rule in the mountain, I stalk in the jungle
Day or darkness, Calm or storm
Tireless in the hunt, fierce in the fight
I am a Ranger
The Guerillas worst nightmares
Comes true…….
SRTS Database Admin
This system allows administrators to make changes on the entries of the database. This is very important to make necessary correction sto some unintentional, typographical errors.
Student Monitoring System
This system allows you to monitor the status of your students while taking up regular Scout Ranger course or sniper course at the Scout Ranger Training School.
SR Online Registry
Find out what class are your Scout Ranger Friends. This system will be an online tool, where you can verify some of the limited details about any gradaute of both Scout Ranger Course and Sniper Course.

We strike,
we who are happy and free;
Birds of same feather,
we flutter together;
Scout Rangers of fortune are we.
We sing, greeting the night with a song;
Laughing at danger we fight like a panther,
and conquer the hardship always.
Shadows to hide us and bright stars to guide us
the night we roam,
No one can find us where ever we choose to roam.
We ride, march, creep, crawl,
silently in the jungle.
Scout Rangers of fortune are we
Seeking and fighting and laughing and loving
Scout Rangers of fortune are we.
1 2 3 RANGER!