MNLF: Short Background

Activities and Issues: After his release on bail in 2008, the MNLF-MG Chairman Nur Misuari has been observed going around Mindanao attending consultation meetings with various MNLF Groups to regain support and unite the MNLF under his leadership by stressing on the following:
Developments on the 1996 GRP-MNLF peace agreement
Creation of special Regional Security Force
Reactivation of MNLF armed units
Recruitment activities (Which Misuari vehemently denied)
Preparation on the possible resumption of hostilities to pressure the government to fulfill its commitment on the Peace agreement
Plans to elevate the issue to the United Nations taking advantage of the fact that the UN General Assembly President Ali Abdussalam Treki is a very good friend of Misuari.
Gather signatures for Independence
Review of the GRP-MNLF peace agreement specifically on the following five (5) issues: Shariah and Judiciary; Special Regional Security Force; Natural Resources and Economic Development Issues; and Education
Amendment on RA 9054 or the ARMM Law, specifically on the enhancement and expansion.
Unification Unlikely: Many sectors are calling for the unity of the Bangsamoro efforts, however it is very unlikely to happen because Misuari is not ready to relinquish his Leadership to forge unity with the MILF notwithstanding the presence of other influential factions within its ranks to include the MNLF Council of 15 of Muslimen Sema and the MNLF-Isnaji faction.
Alliance with Other Groups: It is observed also that Misuari is pursuing alignments with other groups outside the realm of Islamic community to strengthen his influence and political clout for election purposes. The following meetings were monitored:
With PDSP or the Partido Demokratikong Sosyalista ng Pilipinas under the former Secretary of National Defense Norberto Gonzales
With the AKBAYAN represented by Representative Riza Hontiveros-Baraquiel
Conclusion/Recommendations: Misuari’s recent activities are not only aimed at re-uniting the MNLF under his leadership but also boosting his influence and strengthen his claim for leadership. These efforts were prompted by the following threats:
Muslimen Sema’s posturing with the OIC
No assurance that the administration or the OIC will support his ARMM candidacy
Positive prospects of GRP-MILF peace agreement that may leave the MNLF into the limbo of forgotten things.

In view of the recent activities, alliances and posturings, the report presents the following recommendations:
The government will continue negotiating with the MNLF through the tripartite mechanism (GRP-MNLF-OIC) focusing on the five major issues that the MNLF raised.
The government will exert efforts to negotiate the reduction of the 15,000 MNLF soldiers to be integrated into the AFP.
The government to consider introducing amendments to the ARMM Law through a plebiscite or referendum.
The Government will lobby for an observer status at the OIC.
The Government to establish clear guidelines concerning MNLF activities particularly on setting up encampments/training sites and on recruiting of more members.