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Defense System of Management (DSOM)

DSOM is DND’s collaboration-based decision-making process tool in defense strategic management. It provides systems and processes in formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions. DSOM is a system of systems that links capability development strategy to resource management.

DSOM has the following four (4) mutually supporting components:

  • Defense Strategic Planning System (DSPS) – Develops strategic assessments that address current and emerging threats and future concerns. It also develops strategic plans for accomplishing national level security issues.

  • Defense Capability Assessment and Planning System (DCAPS) – Develops capability plans that support the approved strategic plans.

  • Defense Acquisition System (DAS) – Provides the framework for the DND’s acquisition effort, which are financially realistic, timely, at reasonable price and in accordance with RA9184 and IRR-A.

  • Defense Resource Management System (DRMS) –Provides framework for issuing defense policy and resource planning direction by the SND, allocates limited resources among competing priorities and evaluating results achieved.

DSOM planning implements three (3) different types of planning:

  • Long-term planning - Conducted twice per presidential term. Composed of DSPS and DCAPS in the long-term perspective.

  • Medium-term planning - Conducted biennially and composed of DSPS and DCAPS in medium-term perspective.

  • Annual planning - Conducted through DRMS, which is composed of Planning, Programming and Budgeting System (PPBS) and Financial Management System (FMS).

DSOM aims at accomplishing the following objectives:

  • Promote the cost-effective use of resources, transparency, impartiality and efficiency.

  • Support the medium and long-term planning requirements of the DND and the AFP.

  • Provide for the SND-directed policy and planning direction

  • Establish SND-directed lines of authority, responsibility and accountability.

  • Provide for regularly scheduled SND and CSAFP performance reviews.


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